The Shoulder consists of a Ball that fits into a Socket. The rotator cuff is a group of tendons that insert into the ball of the shoulder thereby stabilizing it within the socket. One or more of the tendons in the rotator cuff may be torn either by
a fall or jerk The constant irritation of repetitive overhead arm motions Degenerative damage, due to wear and tear, as we age In many instances, the reason for the rotator cuff injury is unknown.
A torn rotator cuff will cause pain at the top and outside of the shoulder especially when you raise or extend your arm. Sleeping on the affected side might be uncomfortable. The shoulder may become weak, making it difficult to raise the arm far away from the side.
Depending on the size of the tear, arthroscopic surgery can be used to reattach the torn edge of the rotator tendon to the ball (humerus). Large and complex tears are usually repaired by mini open techniques, or through a combination of open and arthroscopic procedures.